Now, at a time when many schools struggle for enrollment, this school enjoys a strong waitlist.
An extremely visionary entrepreneur approached CEN for support in writing a charter application for a “campus of innovation.” CEN worked closely with the founder and his team to write a successful charter application and then led a principal search. This strong beginning launched a series of successful collaborations with the founder as the school developed flipped classrooms, “Power Hour,” a strong and focused board of directors, and a project-based learning model. CEN later collaborated to form a principal evaluation process, provide board support, facilitate a friendly takeover of a middle school, and add an elementary campus.
Now, at a time when many schools struggle for enrollment, this school enjoys a strong waitlist.
This highly collaborative and ongoing relationship illustrates the extent to which CEN stands ready to go wherever a client dreams of going, providing support through known processes, such as charter applications, and new horizons, such as implementing a “Power Hour” or launching a private school.